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Held at the IMI Head Office

Hi Kim,

Please find the feedback for the Bodyshop Management course from Iftikhar Arshad below:

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The Next Course Date:  1st Quarter 2023

Bodyshop Management: Getting results and making profit

Date: LVS Park Royal London Go-Live with Eye-Load

Date: Holley Autobody Taunton Go-Live with Eye-Load

Time Line Archived News >>


Welcome to Bodyshop Consulting

We hope during your visit to our website you find something that can be introduced by Bodyshop Consulting to benefit your business.


Use Bodyshop Consulting to Establish "Your Business Rolling Plan" we work with you on a monthly basis keep your business on track to your Goal


Did you know we can Manage and Update your Manufacturer Portals for you?  Keep you compliant and save time and money on your Administration Costs


GoTo "How/What We Do" page





Want to know more about Eye-Load and how it can improve your business?


Get an introduction to Eye-Load via the Eye-Load website "click here".  Watch the Eye-Load Video by clicking on the Eye-Load Logo



Intelligent Motoring – drivers pay over 200% more for the repair of its electronic replacement

Posted by admin on December 12, 2022

New data analysis by vehicle ownership advice firm, Intelligent Motoring, has revealed the high cost to motorists when an electronic handbrake needs to be repaired.

Industry News Cont >>

Question - Could your Bodyshop business do with a full Health Check, or maybe just in certain areas? If that's a YES - we can help with our full or partial business assessment modules. Call us it maybe just what you are looking for!



Next IMI Course: 1st Quarter 2023 Date to be confirmed
Provided by Bodyshop Consulting

Good News!  Bodyshop Consulting and the IMI are running another "BODYSHOP MANAGEMENT: GETTING RESULTS AND MAKING PROFIT" coaching day  In the First Quarter 2023. Date to be confirmed.  Me and the IMI are pleased to offer another day inspiring managers, owners, aspiring managers, workshop controllers and estimators wanting to learn more on how your bodyshop should be making a profit. We look at everything that makes or breaks a bodyshop.  No formality, very relaxed, just bring yourself - everything else is supplied.

Over Ninety people from all levels of bodyshop vocation have attended these courses.  From Group MD's to Estimators - so why not you?  2 places have already been booked.


Contact me or go to the IMI website to book a place.


If you wish to advertise your products here for FREE Contact Us


We are looking for good ideas and tips using products that IMPROVE Productivity and REDUCE Waste